Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 4 of RESET and still going STRONG!

Can you believe it? Four full days of shakes and bars and I feel fabulous! Here is what I have noticed:
  1. My pants are looser! (YEAH!)
  2. My rings are looser! (not that I was worried about fat fingers)
  3. I "feel" lighter--both energetically and physically
  4. I have energy!
  5. I am not craving bread, wine, cookies... etc.

Tomorrow is the last day. Then I will continue on with 2 shakes a day, 2 bars for snacks and a healthy dinner. Easy-Peasey! I'll do this until I have reached my pre-holiday weight! Of course, I have to buy a new battery for my scales... or I could end up looking skeletal, thinking I haven't reached that magic number!

Seriously , the cool thing here, is that when I have released the fat I no longer want, I can easily go back to my regular shake for breakfast, salad or yogurt and fruit for lunch and finish the day with a healthy dinner and maintain my weight. For many of us it isn't that we don't know what choices we should be making to eat healthily. It is that we get on a sugar rollercoaster and can't get off it. And by sugar, I mean not only cookies and chocolates but bread and pasta and potatoes and all high glycemic foods.

It is the sugar that messes us up every time!


  1. Keep up the good work!!! What kind of shake? My pitfall is getting a headache when I get hungry...probably somethiing to do with the sugar???

  2. The shakes I use are from Usana, they are nutritionally complete--a balanced blend of fats, carbs and protein and fiber. And most importantly, they are low glycewmic, so they do not spike the blood sugar, which means I don't get the low blood sugar later--causing a headache! Also--I have a Usana low glycemic nutrition bar inbetween so my blood sugar stays stable at all times--the real point of RESET. If you click on "USANA" to the right, it will tell you about the company, and if you click on "forget the fad diets" and scroll to the bottom of them there is a short video explaining RESET.
