Friday, August 5, 2011

To Give Up... or To Get Back on the Bandwagaon...

How long since you have heard from me???   Too long!  Why?  Because I fell off the wagon... I stopped exercising... I didn't worry about what I ate.... I got to busy to write....I had a surgery.... I created a TON of excuses.....

And now here I am... wondering what was I thinking?  It is so much harder to get restarted than to maintain.  Part of my story... not my excuse mind you, is that as my foot hurt more and more... it became increasingly harder to run, walk or hike... my preferred ways of exercising.  I did not accomodate this situation, I just stopped.  I was overwhelmed with end of school chaos, I couldn't easily do what I usually did for exercise and I used that as my excuse.  So now here I am, I had my foot surgery (it is healing nicely) but I really can't walk, run or hike for exercise right now. 

What motivated me to get back on the wagon?  Well, to tell you the truth... I saw a photo of me... and I did not like it!  It was like a shot of cold water in the face!  WOW!  I look like THAT?????  So I found a "buddy" --another woman who would like to be on a health quest with me.  She and I call or text each other each Wednesday to check in on what we have done for exercise and eating.  We tell each other what we weigh.  And we keep a written journal of what we eat each day. (Talk about accountable!)  It is really helping.  I have been motivated to ride a stationary bike--not my favorite thing to do and to do some arm weights and crunches as well.  And it is starting to show!  Whoopie!  I let go of 2 pounds!

I feel better now that I am moving my body too.  I like feeling strong and flexible.  I have to work harder at it now than I did when I was younger, but it is worth it.  I feel better all over when I take the time to exercise and stretch. 

I am happy to be back.  But my lapse does mimic what is a regular occurance for many women... I know so many women who go through bouts of inactivity and inattention to what they choose to eat, over and over again.  It is important to acknowledge it and move on!  We don't need to stay stuck there because we chose it for a while--we can make a new choice! 

My new choice is to be a conscious eater and exerciser!  How about you?

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