Thursday, September 29, 2011

About Willpower...NOT!

Success!  I managed to go to my Aunt's 75th birthday party and NOT overeat!  I ate a bunch of veggies, some fabulous fruit (mangos--yum!) and yes, I had some incredible crab dip and chicken wing dip (thank you to wonderful nieces and their recipes!)... but  I indulged in more hummus than cheesey things.  So...I have to say that my week of RESET worked.  I wasn't even tempted by the cake.  Now, I will admit that if the cake had been a really delectable dessert... say a flourless chocolate cake... or a cheesecake... I may have indulged!  But a bakery cake?  Not going to waste calories or get a sugar rush on that!

Interestingly... I did not feel as though I were depriving myself. The point of RESET is to act as a bridge to healthier eating--and it worked!  It really isn't about willpower--but about getting off of the sugar highs...and lows that create that desire for more sugar--in the form of white pasta, bread, rice and yes, cakes and cookies too. 

I am feeling more energetic, slimmer and more in control of my choices and I lost another pound and am going to the gym regularly... 10 pounds to go!

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