Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are you hiding behind those same old resolutions again...?

Have you ever been in that place where you you've made an announcement... Like " I'm going to lose 10 pounds" and then not followed through?  Have you ever complained about your job and insisted it was time to make a change, and then stayed put?  Have you ever made a New Years resolution?

I've been thinking about how sometimes, our intentions, goals, vision boards may in fact hold us back.  When we don't follow through, a small part of our attention stays stuck in that place--the place where we feel we failed.  We walk around a little embarrassed, wondering if people remember we said we were going to lose those 10 pounds by now... And haven't done it.

We don't pick ourselves up and start over.  We burrow a little deeper inside of ourselves, we get a bit more stuck, we become a bit less engaged.  Over time, these pile up and by the time we are middle age so many of us live a life of resigned acceptance that we aren't going to have the life we want.  That this is all there is.

Well poop.  Shake off that mantle and shake things up!  So what if you didn't lose those 10 pounds, look for a new job or learn to play the piano.... Start today!  Yes, you have to admit you didn't do it when you said you would.  Yes, some people will say, "oh there she (he) goes again," --and who cares what anyone else thinks?  They will likely still be sitting on their duff complaining about others next year too --do you really care?  And do YOU want to be one of those people?

Just like music swells....then gets quiet... Then gets loud and fast and crescendos... your life is like that too.  Go with it.  There will always be ups and downs.

Remember all of the famous people that have failed....
  • Oprah was fired from one of her first jobs because she was unfit for TV!
  • Walt Disney was told a mouse would never work... --right.
  • J.K. Rowling was on welfare.
  • Jerry Seinfeld was booed off the stage his first time at a comedy club.
  • Stephen King received 30 rejections for "Carrie."
Can you imagine NO Stephen King novels?  NO Oprah?  NO Mickey Mouse???  Of course not.  The only difference between you and any of these people, is they didn't give up.  They didn't turn inward. They got back on the horse.

  A friend gave me a quote to hang on my wall a while back.  It said:

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, 
but anybody can start today and make a new ending."

I love that thought, because it gives any of us hope!  It reminds us we ALWAYS have choices.

So, did you say again that this year you would lose that 10 pounds?  Make this the year you change your behavior... You choose healthier food, you choose to exercise, you choose to live healthier!

The only one in your way.... Is you!

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