Sunday, February 21, 2010

Benefits of Vitamin C and E

How regularly do you take your vitamin supplements?

An article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reported the results of a study which found that vitamin C and vitamin E supplement users had a lower risk of dying over a five-year period than those who did not supplement. The supplement users had a lower risk of dying from any cause. When mortality was examined by cause, those who supplemented with vitamin C and vitamin E had a 28% lower risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease. This highlights the health benefits of supplementing your diet with a variety of antioxidants and their supporting nutrients.

It is a discipline to develop. I eat my USANA breakfast shake and take my vitamins. I eat lunch, and take my second dose. The difference I feel is incredible. While others are getting sick, I stay well. While others suffer from tiredness, lack of energy, and general lethargy, I have energy and vitality. The benefits of supplementation far outweigh cost and inconvenience.

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