Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Happy New Year! It is the time to think about the coming year,and in doing that, to muse on what you did or did not accomplish in 2010. The big item on most people's list is health. Most want to either lose weight, firm up, start running, eat right... have you been thinking along those lines? What gets people in trouble is thinking pie in the the sky big and not having a plan.

To start out, I want to address all of you who wish to lose weight. First, you need to change the words. If you hadn't thought about it before... think about it now. If you "lose" weight, you are likely to "find" it again! So forget about losing weight. That is not what you really want anyway. What you want is to be healthy. To look good. To feel good. Let's start with that.

Join me on my own quest for a healthier lifestyle. Those of you who know me might be laughing right now... thinking that I don't need to "lose" weight or eat healthier. Well, let me tell you, it is all a matter of perspective! I am not as disciplined as I could be. I plan on living to 125 years old... so I need to be on my best behavior now to achieve that. Want to come with me on this journey? For that is what it is. A journey to a healthier me. A journey to a healthier you.

We cannot just go run a marathon tomorrow. We cannot suddenly survive on salads alone. Long term health takes a plan. Long term health is not about going on a "diet"... for then you of course will stop being on a "diet" and then you will gain back whatever excess pounds you shed. So, I will be addressing "diet." I will be addressing exercise and healthy eating and supplements and even mindset. And together we will be see if we can get on a path to a healthier you and a healthier me.


  1. Sounds good to me!! I'm going to make some changes in my lifestyle this year -- more gym time, more veggies and grains, and fruit and protein and less sugar and carbs... but first I have to get rid of all the leftover xmas food... hard to do, as I hate throwing away stuff that I spent money to buy... going to the gym tomorrow!

  2. I grew up with a depression-era mom... throwing away food was not an option! But tonight I threw away two desserts left over from last week! Had to do it!!!!! It really is all about small changes that are sustainable Terry! That's what I am working on!!! You go girl!
