Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 Health Quest

I think that it is easier to be healthy and to remember to make good choices when we surround ourselves with like-minded people. People who lift us up. People who are on the same page we are on.

That is part of the reason that I started this quest. I want to find people who also want to move forward and make different choices. Are you that person? Do you know someone else who would like to be healthier? Invite them to join us on this blog. Together we can support each other and move ahead!

OK...a confession. We won't get anywhere if we are not honest with each other. I did go to the gym today and worked out for an hour... and I did have a wonderful eggplant dish for dinner... but... now for the confession... I ate a slice of pizza--with some blue cheese dressing besides, while the eggplant heated up.

Why??? I know why. Because I let myself get too hungry. It is never good to skip a meal or go too many hours without food. I needed a snack before the gym and I didn't take the time to get one! So today the lesson is... to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Don't go hungry. Keep apples, carrot sticks, a healthy nutrition bar around for those times when you need food NOW! Plan ahead. (My mistake--I did not plan ahead.)

The American way is to eat 3 big meals with the biggest being in the evening. It is not the healthist way! Work at changing your pattern to 5 or 6 small meals. It will keep your metabolism turned on and your energy up. Try it and give your self a month or more to get used to it. I think you will feel a difference--let me know!

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