Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Health Quest--little changes

Ok, sometimes it is just hard to choose a salad, or even veggies...sometimes I just want comfort food! Like tonight. I came home late. I was tired. I had eaten lightly all day--my normal breakfast shake, then a clementine,and later some greek yogurt with strawberries and walnuts for lunch. Pretty good! BUT... then I visited my daughter who was feeling under the weather for an hour after work after a late appointment. So I didn't get home until 7:30. AND... I am feeling a bit under the weather and overtired myself...

So... you know what that means! I was starving! And all I could think about was carbs! AND THEN... the story isn't over yet... my friend calls so he and I talk for a while... finally we hang up, I make my dinner and guess what??? My girlfriend calls! By the time I got to eat I thought I was going to die.

So, the moral of the story? I didn't eat as healthily as I had planned. But I also wasn't as bad as I could have been or wanted to be. (And I really wanted to be bad!) I made poached eggs (love those eggs!) and ate them on a whole grain english muffin that had cottage cheese on it (no butter). So I had some protein and some whole grain. I did not get my daily dose of veggies. I did eat a healthy version of comfort food. (My UNhealthy version would have included fried eggs, lots of sharp cheddar and butter!)

Every day that I make a small change like that, is a day closer to the healthy body I am creating.

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