Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On Being Right...

I just want you to know I did write a blog yesterday. And, I swear that I clicked on publish post... but obviously not, as I can't find it anywhere! Well... I really liked it and will try to recreate it... but it won't be the same. I was on a roll last night!

First of all I have to admit to eating entirely too much of the wrong thing... well, all weekend! But this is no time to give up and give in. I am back on track and even though it was very scary on the scale... by the way... why does it only take one weekend to put on 3 pounds and 3 weeks to get it off???? So, I managed to look down... and had to really work at not saying very bad words when I read the scale! But --and here is the part I have been so "right" about!

I got on the scale! Yes! I weigh myself every morning before my shower. I have had people telling me for years that I should not weigh myself on a daily basis--that I should throw away the scale--that I should only weigh myself once a week... and I have ignored all of this advice. And now I have been vindicated!

In a study at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, of 3,026 adults who
were watching their waistlines, those who weighed themselves more frequently lost more weight over the two years or regained fewer pounds. This researchbacks up the benefits of daily weigh-ins, but weekly may do the trick: three quarters of the successful long-term slimmers listed in the National Weight Control Registry step on the scale at least once a week.

Time to step on the scale. Confront that number! It is only a number anyway! It is an indication of your health. It is not you!

My contention is that by weighing in everyday--I pay attention to the fact that I have gained a few pounds and so I regulate what I eat after that. Tomorrow, I am going to reveal my number one rule for trimming pounds. And... I am going to challenge you to follow suit!

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