Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shout it from the Rooftops!

I have always contended that we cannot change our physical shape if we cannot even confront or admit what the shape is, in the first place! We women in particular seem prone to this. We don't want anyone to know our size, or weight, or age... like knowing the number is going to make me look slimmer or younger??? NOT!

So... I am going out on a limb here. And, I challenge you to join me! I am going to put this in writing... my age... my pant size (GASP!) and even what I weigh. Why? Because it is important to deal with reality. We so often hide behind a facade of makeup and nice clothes and never looking in the mirror... and I mean in the nude in front of a full length mirror. We don't confront the level or consequence of our unhealthy choices. It makes it much harder to be motivated to change them if
we are not really acknowledging them.

OK... here goes.
I am 55 years old.
I am 5' 6" tall and weigh 150 lbs.
and my pant size is a 10.

There. I did it. I can't imagine that I look one bit different to those who know me! I certainly am no younger or smaller. So what is the big deal? Shout it from the rooftops people! It is very freeing!


  1. If I went out on a limb, I'd break the branch! I'll admit to that much. (Tara H)

  2. You see--that is just the kind of thought process that keeps your attention on "having too much weight" as opposed to "releasing fat" (what a doctor I've met calls it!)

    You are hardly that much overweight! Embrace your body! Love it! You will be more motivated to take good care of it.
