Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2 of my RESET and some info on brain chemistry...

I actually feel pretty good today. I did not cheat--even when dark chocolate was put right under my nose at a meeting I was at... though I did take some and put it in my desk for a future snack....

Did you know that like many pleasurable things--like sex and drug-use, eating can trigger the pleasure center in the brain? We can actually become addicted to eating junk food! If you would like to read more about this... check out this article in Scientific American at:


for more in-depth information. With this thought in mind... we really have to take responsibility for our choices in life. What food we put into our bodies today... impacts what choices we make tomorrow.

I have noticed already, after only 2 days, that I am more satisfied with a plate of veggies at dinner that I would have been last week. I really believe that it takes me at least 2 days to get past the craving for cheese (fat) and bread (carbs)... I love to come home and have a plate of cheese and bread with a glass of wine... (fat and carbs) it makes me feel relaxed and happy! Must be that good-old dopamine kicking in!

I intend to continue on with my healthier food choices after this week--I do have some serious motivation for this as well... which I will go into tomorrow.

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