Monday, February 28, 2011

My Weekend Struggle...

Here is what I struggle with. If I miss breakfast... bad idea all around... but on the weekend everything seems to go to "hell in a handbasket" as my mom used to say, I eat tooo much when I finally do eat. And then, I am so stuffed I am not hungry until much later--like 8:00 at night...

This is what happened yesterday. Joe and I didn't eat until close to noon when we finally went out to our favorite Sunday morning breakfast place, Jellybeans. By then, we were "starving!" to say the least and ate the hugest breakfast of the highest fat, sugar, calories... you name it... bad all around. AND, I ate most of what was on my plate... too much food as well.

So... then I wasn't hungry again until about 8pm... I forced myself to make a salad and eat that... but my mind was going to all kinds of yummy, cheesy carbs... somehow I managed to resist.

One meal a day is totally the wrong way to eat! My challenge is to still eat reasonably healthily on the weekends... and at least regularly! I also notice I cannot eat a huge meal anymore. Unlike when I was 20 or even 30 years old... I just don't process big meals well any more. I don't even feel good--you would think that would be motivation enough...but I think I need to be more conscious about it! I will let you know after next weekend how I do!

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