Friday, March 4, 2011

It's all About Self-Discipline...

I am sure this is a true statement. Here it's been a week--I have gotten caught up in the busy-ness and stresses of life and haven't written here... haven't been to the gym as much as usual... haven't eaten as healthily....

My promise to myself is to focus on slowing down... breathing deep... and making sure I take care of what's important to me. What do I have if I don't have my health? It is important to me--everything else sort of depends on that, don't you think? Going to work... having my granddaughter over... seeing Joe... none of that will happen if I am unhealthy and die! And if I am just unhealthy... I won't enjoy it as much and leave my self open to more serious illnesses.

So... if you read Dinotopia to your children... you will know the greeting... "Breath Deep, Seek Peace" ...My new mantra. I think I will take up meditation again. In another lifetime (was I really ever in my 20's???) I used to meditate daily... maybe it's time to start again. It might help me to remember to slow down... to focus... to be present.

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