Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Sleep or Not to Sleep...

I recently read an article about the importance of sleep. There are a number of health risks associated with getting to little sleep. The first one I would it is now so important to me... is a higher risk of Colon Cancer! Ahhh.... Yes, you heard me scream! Do I ever get regular sleep--and enough of it? No. Am I the one who just went through that awful colonoscopy only to find out I had precancerous polyps... again. Yes.

A study published in the journal Cancer, found that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night on average had an almost 50% increase in the risk of colorectal adenomas! (that's a precurser to cancer tumors...)

Now I have to tell you that I rarely get 8 hours--the amount of sleep I need to feel good, (and evidently to be healthy!) 5 or 6 hours is more likely. A higher incidence of Colon Cancer isn't the only thing I found...

Women who sleep less than 5 hours each night are 1/3 more likely to develop diabetes say Harvard researchers....

...They also said that women who got less than 7 hours of sleep were at a higher risk for heart disease as well...

...the National Sleep Foundation connects depression with sleep habits...

Isn't this enough to motivate any of us to get to bed earlier? I would write more...but I have to get ready for bed!

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