Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 1 of Resetting My Life!!!

It seems providential that I would start my RESET on the first full week that I start my new life in Bronxville.  I am surrounded by boxes and furniture.  I  am physically busy all day.  I am here, unpacking, unpacking and unpacking! 

 I am starting a whole new life in a whole new city... I never would have thought that at 56 years old, I would move 5 hours away --close to NYC of all places, retire from my job to take up Health Coaching full time and work on a brand new relationship with a new man.  Whew... that is a lot of change to deal with.  And to top it off, I challenge my body with a week of RESET.  What am I thinking???   It is all good though.  It is good to shake things up.  Re-evaluate the choices I have made and think about the new choices in my life.  Learn.  Grow.  Change.  And so I shake up my body too.  I ask it to change, to learn new behaviors; enjoy crunchy vegetables instead of cheese and bread... at least most of the time!

Actually, I feel really good.  I am eating very low glycemic shakes 3 times a day and interspersing low glycemic nutrition bars and some veggies.  All of the research I have been doing tells me that we all are eating way to much carbohydrate and not enough veggies and fruits!  So this is my week to help me get over the carb addiction and back on track with a mostly plant based diet. 

Part of my motivation came last weekend at an Italian themed birthday party.  I was sitting down with a new friend ... after a long day of kayaking... and I am going for the pasta!  YUM!  Refueling time!  (I was totally justifying my unhealthy choices!)  She on the other hand, had salad, veggies, a little pasta and more salad and veggies!  I sat there thinking that I, as the Health Coach, was not modeling very good eating habits!  I was rather embarrassed!  So... I am committed!  Besides needing to fit back into some party dresses before the holidays roll around, more importantly, I will be back on track with my health. 

I can do anything for 5 days.  Certainly I can maintain this low glycemic reset of my blood sugar levels and jump start my weight loss as well!  Wish me luck!

...as for resetting my life... it is going well.  It is a little stressful, a little challenging; I miss my friends and family upstate, but at the same time it is exhilarating!  It is an adventure! I am becoming more grounded, more in touch with what it is I  want to... be...do...have in life... 

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