Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Want to Feel Better, Have More Energy and Live Longer?

I have the answer to how to feel better, have more energy and live longer and I'm not talking about taking the best vitamins--though you all know I am a advocate of that.  I'm not talking about drinking more water or sleeping more either, though of course they are crucial to good health too.  I am talking about something that is easily accessible to all, affordable to all and works at any age.  What is it?  Simple--exercise.

Exercise impacts your health in a number of ways.  Do you want an easy way to help you stay at your ideal weight?  Exercise.  It burns calories.  The more intense the workout, of course, the more calories you burn.  But even just choosing stairs over the elevator, or instead of circling the parking lot waiting for that parking space that is closest to the door, simply parking at the far end of the lot and walking will burn more overall calories in a day.  And, each day adds up.  We tend to look for the fast answer to our problems--but weight gain--or loss is not instant.  Change your habits with a view to the future.

Are you worried about chronic disease?  Does your family have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure?  Being active boosts your high-density lipoprotein--that's the good cholesterol and decreases triglycerides, decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease.  In fact regular exercise does even more--it can help prevent or manage a wide variety of health concerns, from stroke to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes to arthritis and even depression! 

Have a hard day at work?  Kids driving you crazy today?  Stuck in traffic for an hour?  Take a walk, go to the gym, run, bike, swim... any type of physical activity can stimulate various brain chemicals and leave you feeling happier and more relaxed!  And even if you are overweight--you will feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly.  After work exercise is better for you than that after work cocktail any day!

As often happens, after high school, my physical activity dropped significantly... ok, it stopped totally!  Until the day I was out of butter while cooking for a dinner party.  I decided to literally "run" to the store which was only 2 blocks away.  It would get me outside and in the sun for a few minutes.  There was only one problem with this plan...I couldn't run a half a block!  I was only 22 years old and I could not run a HALF of a city block.  That was the start of my running career.  Exercise improves your strength and endurance.  It delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your heart and lungs to work more efficiently.  And--big benefit--it will boost your energy level!

You all know I am a proponent of getting enough and regular sleep.  Believe it or not, exercise will help you to sleep better and deeper!  The only caveat I would add is not to exercise to close to bedtime--as it may then make you too energized to sleep!  My favorite time to exercise is the morning.  But exercising anytime is better than not at all.

If you are middle aged or older--this benefit is for you!  Often as we age, having sex becomes too much of a chore.  You are tired, don't feel attractive anymore, it takes too much effort.  Exercise could fix that!  It will give you more energy and you will feel better about your body.  It also can lead to enhanced arousal for women. And for you men--you are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than men who don't exercise.  So if nothing else I've said motivates you to hit the gym--this should!

Are you convinced yet?  Find what is fun for you--if the gym bores you and the idea of running sends you in the opposite direction... try dancing!  Join a soccer team!  Take a walk!  Exercise needs to be fun and enjoyable--something you WANT to do each day.  It doesn't have to be the same thing each day either.  In fact, it is better to mix it up and use different muscles in different ways. 

The bottom line is that everyone needs to exercise every day*.  Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.  More if you are trying to lose weight.  It can be a fun way to socialize--go to to look for like minded groups doing what you like to do--dancing, canoeing, hiking, running, the list is endless.... you can find a whole new group of friends and get all kinds of health benefits at the same time!

So to recap...
Exercise impacts your health in a plethora of ways including:
  • Burn excess calories
  • Prevent or manage a wide variety of health concerns
  • Relieve stress
  • Improve strength, endurance and energy level
  • Help you to sleep better and deeper
  • Enhance your sex life
  • Have fun and increase your social interactions
So...what's stopping you?  Get out there and MOVE!

"What fits your busy schedule better,
exercising 1 hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?" 
 ~Randy Glasbergen (cartoonist)

*Remember--if you have any health concerns, you may want to check with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

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