Thursday, August 23, 2012

Live Life in Crescendo!

I recently heard this quote, and I am sorry, I do not know who to attribute it to.  It is this....
"Live Life in Crescendo!"
What a great thought.  How often have you met a 60 or 70 year old who is trudging through life, bored, waiting to die.  Or a young gen Y who is sliding along, not paying attention to what is important to him or her, rather bored with the whole thing called life.

It gets my dander up, I'll tell you!  Life is for living!  It is about choices!  It is about the present moment!  Why choose boredom?  Why not choose adventure?  Why not take a risk? 

I recently heard a doctor talking about Type 2 Diabetes.  HE said, it is a choice.  Did you know that Type 2 diabetes was called Adult Onset Diabetes not long ago?  Why did they change the name???  Because so many children are now getting diabetes that it was no longer just an adult disease.  And why are more children getting it???  BECAUSE  THEIR PARENTS ARE CHOOSING TO REMAIN IGNORANT ABOUT HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES.  BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS ARE CHOOSING TO GO THE FAST ROUTE FOR FEEDING THEIR CHILDREN AND NOT THE HEALTHY ROUTE!

Every time you choose MacDonalds over a healthy meal, you are choosing Type 2 diabetes.  Every time you choose high carb, high sugar meals, you are choosing type 2 diabetes.  Your choice.

But I am not just talking about health here--although, if you know me, you know it is one of my passions!  I am also talking about your job, your daily activities, where you live... everything!  When I chose to retire from Montessori and move to the NYC area... that was pretty risky!  It has certainly been challenging at times, but I have grown from it.  I have not been bored, I can tell you that!  And, I am different because of it.  Better I hope, but definitely different.

Choosing to be an Entrpeneur--that is challenging--and growth inspiring! Moving from a definite paycheck each week to a residual income that is entirely dependent on my daily actions--well that is anything but boring.  And, coupled with physically moving from rural to Metropolitan, which has been uniquely difficult for me, really mixes things up.  So here I am, a year later, honking horns with the best of them!  Yes, it has forced me to grow and to change.  Yes, it keeps me in the present moment.  Alive.  Aware. Engaged.  

So--my new motto is definitely,

"Live Life in Crescendo!"

No boredom allowed around here--there is too much to do! Too much to see.  Too much to experience.  Go ahead, take a chance on something different.  It doesn't have to be huge--it could be a new hobby.  It could be trying out ballroom dancing-- canoeing-- painting.  Just remember--we all have choices in life.  We all can choose to stay engaged in life.

Gotta run--there are things to do and places to go!


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