Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Me? Deny my humble,farm girl upbringing???

Recently I had some house guests. We were getting ready to eat --grilled burgers, salad, etc. When I pulled out the cloth napkins, along with plates, silver wear and glasses to set the table. One of my guests asked me if I didn't have paper plates and napkins.... Actually, I didn't.  I do use them on occasion, when I am not home, but at home, I prefer 'the real deal', so to speak. Am I putting on airs? Am I too good to use paper products? Am I denying my humble, farm girl upbringing?

Not one bit.  But do I like to eat at a well set table?  You bet.  Do I like my home to feel beautiful and well-kept?  Uh-huh.  Why?  And what does this have to do with health anyway?  Well, initially, I was just thinking about why I prefer "real" table settings.  For one thing, ecologically, it is a better choice.  I have to remind myself of that as I wash, dry and fold the 40th napkin of the week... but yes, I believe it is the right choice.  But as I thought about it, I realized there was another reason. 

It feels better.  It feels special.  It feels fancy.  It feels luxurious.  And I deserve to feel all of that.  I deserve to feel good--to feel pampered--even by myself and my choices. 

So what about health again?  This is a health blog after all. OK, here is the connection--the ah-ha moment.  I think when we get to the point of valuing ourselves, of loving ourselves -we take better care of ourselves.  We eat better.  We exercise.  We choose healthy food.  We take vitamins.  We drink water.  We get the right amount of sleep.  Because it feels good.  Because we deserve it.  Because it feels special--fancy--luxurious.  We care about our bodies to the degree that we feel worthy.  Of what?  Of existing.  Of taking up space.  Of being loved. 

In one of my early blogs I wrote about getting naked in front of a mirror and learning to love yourself--every naked pound, saggy butt, and ounce of cellulite.  I think this is connected to that.  I think that we have to accept and love our physical body--and I think we have to emotionally and spiritually accept and love ourselves.  Then we will be motivated to take the first step on the path of health and wellness. 

So stop 'saving' the good china, pull out the cloth napkins and use the family silver!  You deserve it!  Regardless of the lack of love or acceptance growing up... at this very moment you can choose to love and accept your self.  You are worthy of a cloth napkin, the best china and a healthy body!  You are loved.

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