Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grab That Love Handle!

OK.  New thought.  I had an "Ah-Ha" moment the other day when I was dressing to go out for the evening...

I spend so much time, expend so much energy, on choosing the right clothes to hide the fat I am unhappy with.  I make sure the shirt is not too tight... the skirt is not too clingy to my backside... I wear a sweater or jacket to cover up... Dark on the bottom... light on the top... more slimming... or try to hide it all with just plain black...

...But just make sure it doesn't show!!!  Whew!  That takes a lot of energy.  Not acknowledging our fat keeps us in denial.  When you try on clothes and look in the mirror, are you aware of standing straighter than you normally do?  Of really perfect posture?  Or of sucking in your gut as you take in a side view?  Squaring your shoulders?  If you take a minute to think about it--you know you are not going to walk around with your belly sucked in to your rib cage all day.  Not happening.  You know you are not going to stand perfectly straight all day with no slouching.  When we do this we are denying what we really look like and the amount of fat we are carrying around.  We are pretending we do not have that roll of fat... we do not have thunder thighs... but whether we admit it to ourselves or not... it is still there. 

You want to lose that belly roll?  I suggest you grab it every time you sit down and say "Hi!" to it.  When you get dressed in the morning- stand in front of the mirror without sucking in your stomach and look at how you truly look in your clothes. 

Do not make disparaging comments.  This is your miraculous body after all-- it is allowing you to live and breathe and walk around.  Just acknowledge and make a positive statement about where you are going with your health.  For instance, "Today I am going to choose to release some fat."  or  "I am on the road to a healthier body." 

So grab that love handle.... look closely at that derrière... grab those wiggly underarm swags... (my term!) and acknowledge them.  Get familiar with them personally.  We will not make any lasting changes without truly accepting where we are at right this minute.  It will be much harder to overeat or choose the wrong thing to eat if in the morning when I am getting dressed, I take that hand mirror and really look at those thighs -or grab that belly roll when I sit down and acknowledge it. 

Good-bye belly roll!
I see you, I acknowledge you
--and now I release you!!!

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