Monday, January 6, 2014


"Insanity:  doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
~Albert Einstein

I had a serious "ah-ha!" Moment recently.  I realized how many times in the past few years I have gotten serious about losing weight... For a few weeks or months... And then gone back to my old habits of eating.... Hmmmm... Notice anything?  Like that I still weigh the same?????   

It is time for me to do something different-- I need new habits!  I keep changing my habits for a short while...lose some weight... Then go back to my usual way of eating and gain it ALL BACK!  This is getting ridiculous!!!!!!!

I am going to recommend a wonderful book I read this year.  It is called, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.  He talks a lot about how changing one little habit can have a HUGE impact over time.  So I am going to apply this to my eating habits.  

Here is the example Darren Hardy used:
A guy decides to cut out 125 calories a day.  He does this for 31 months, which equals 940 days. 
940 days X 125 calories = 117,500 calories
117,500 calories divided by 3500 calories per pound = 33.5 pounds! 
33.5 pounds all from something as painless and easy as cutting out 125 calories a day!  No fancy diets or counting calories, just changing a small habit--maybe cutting out soda, or halving the amount 
of cereal in the morning... Nothing huge.  Hmmm... The trick is, as I see it, is to make the small changes and stick with them.  So I have to focus on it long enough for it to go from an aware choice, to an unconscious habit.  

So.... I am becoming aware of eating less.  I noticed at Thanksgiving, that a couple of people who have lost quite a bit of weight recently, chose the same foods I did... But half the quantity!!!  Imagine that?  It was like a light bulb going off in my head as I thought about it.  Enjoy the foods I love at a special holiday... But eat less of them!  What a novel idea!!!!

It is time to pull out the signs!  I need some intense reminders!  

"Would you rather eat that or be skinny?"  
"Did you go to the gym today?"  
"Eat carrots not cookies! "  
"Would you rather gain a pound or lose a pound?"

If you come over for dinner... Don't laugh at my signs-- they help me to develop focus!

I did not learn to be disciplined growing up--no excuses though, I am an adult now.  If I want to be disciplined, I have to choose to focus on it.  Hence... Notes in my kitchen... Gym dates in my calendar.... Apps on my phone to track what I eat.  (My favorite is: )

It is time to stop the insanity!!!

Care to join me?

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