Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Enzymes and Probiotics--What's all the Fuss About?

There is a lot of brouhaha in the media right now about enzymes and probiotics. I thought I would take a minute and talk about them as they are both critical to health!

There are three types of enzymes:
Digestive Enzymes are what our bodies use to break the molecules of food down into manageable sizes that can be used by our body for fuel.

Food Enzymes are present naturally in raw foods. When you cook vegetables you kill the enzymes. When you let the veggies sit in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, you kill the enzymes. But, when you eat fresh , raw food, you add enzymes to the store of enzymes in your body. Every time you eat highly processed food, or overcooked food, you use up some of your cash of enzymes, so that, by the time you are 35 years old or so... you may have used up all of your enzymes! Then when you eat food with no enzymes... where do they come from to help you digest your food? You need to eat very fresh raw food, or add some high quality enzymes to your diet.

Metabolic Enzymes aid in the production of energy in the body and are connected to every working organ within the human body and also aid in the repair of damaged and decaying tissues. Metabolic enzymes aid in:

  • the purification of the blood
  • assisting and strengthening of the immune system
  • aiding the body in the breakdown of fats
  • lowering cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels
  • enhancing the digestive process
  • aiding in the function of the endocrine system and glands.

Ok, that is your primer on enzymes. Now, what are probiotics?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our small and large intestines. They are also called "microflora." These organisms do many things for us including:

  • killing harmful bacteria
  • killing fungus (candida)
  • building B vitamins for the rest of our body to use.

They also help produce enzymes and many other functions too numerous to mention. When your body is low in beneficial bacteria, it can cause gas, bloating, bad breath, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients! Now if that isn't reason enough to take in some extra probiotics... I don't know what is!

Ok, that is my pitch for anyone over 35 to start adding enzymes and probiotics to their diet! I have to tell you I have noticed a huge difference since I started taking them regularly! I was on the verge of giving up all of the "good food" I loved on the weekends! Chicken wings, fish fry, spicy food... it had become too uncomfortable to eat any of it--not that I am a proponent of it regularly, but I certainly like to splurge once in a while!!! Now I can!

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