Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Know How to Live Within Yourself...

"Know how to live within yourself; there is in your soul a whole world of mysterious and enchanted thoughts; they will be drowned by the noise without; daylight will drive them away; listen to their singing and be silent. ~Fyodor Tutev

Why am I quoting Fyodor Tutev??? Because I have not blogged for a week... because I have gotten too caught up in the busy-ness of life... because my health quest has gone to hell in a hand basket...

BUT... I am back! I am back on the health bandwagon... I am not giving up. Don't you give up either. It is so easy to go from one week to the another and another... overeating... not exercising... making excuses. At somepoint I have to acknowledge my lack of discipline and get back to it. That is all it takes. Name it for what it is and move forward. Keep your eye on the prize. I know for many people, once they have a few 'bad' days, they give up. "Never, Never Give Up!!!"

I am ready to do my "RESET." Which is to say, my 5 day cleanse and resetting of my blood sugar cravings. But I am smart enough to know that this is not the week! I had my book (and food and wine) group on Monday night and a birthday party for a friend on Thursday night. My self discipline does not go that far! Monday though... that is my day! I will start then. It will be a challenge.... I will keep you posted!

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